Minnie Hazel Goodlow Page, a charter member of the Concord Missionary Baptist Church founded by the late Reverend Dr. E.K. Bailey, is best remembered for her deep faith in God, love of people and strong conviction regarding the importance of prayer in daily life. Honors noting her faithful service and work in the Concord Church are num
Minnie Hazel Goodlow Page, a charter member of the Concord Missionary Baptist Church founded by the late Reverend Dr. E.K. Bailey, is best remembered for her deep faith in God, love of people and strong conviction regarding the importance of prayer in daily life. Honors noting her faithful service and work in the Concord Church are numerous and include the Minnie H. Page Service Award, a historical Women’s Day observance award. At her beloved Concord, Mrs. Page served as a deaconess, church historian, congregational liaison and advisor in the Women’s Ministry. She taught and counseled youth with a special affinity for their total well-being.
With exceeding admiration, this local component of the NCNW was named for Mrs. Page, a devoted Christian woman. Dr. Dorothy I. Height, President Emeritus of NCNW, noted that our decision to name this section for Mrs. Page as an “Outstanding Choice."
Dr. Mollie A. Johnson Williams, Organizer, stated, “As we celebrate each year of service to our community, the NCNW Minnie H. Goodlow Page Section is pleased to honor the memory of such a wise and godly woman. We pray that our actions will forever pay honorable tribute to her. The life she lived remains a testament to the mantra of the NCNW, “lifting as we climb…”
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